Buy Dry Ice
Buy Dry Ice in Australia
Cold Jet Australia brought dry ice cleaning to Australia in 1994, when we did, we also needed to ensure the best quality High Density dry ice pellets were available. Cold Jet dry ice production equipment was designed specifically to create the Highest Density dry ice available, this was critical for the efficiency of our cleaning equipment. High Density dry ice is now appreciated around the globe in a multitude of uses, not just for cleaning. High Density dry ice, lasts longer, and performs better than traditional dry ice products. Studies have shown that Cold Jet produced dry ice can last 20-30% longer than ‘normal’ dry ice.
At Cold Jet we also appreciate the importance of High Quality dry ice storage boxes. We invest significantly in the world’s best boxes for the benefit of our customers. We have sent dry ice from Sydney to Mt. Isa and back and still had significant quantities of dry ice in the box 2 weeks later!
Cold Jet produce the Highest Density/Best Quality dry ice in the country. If you appreciate old fashioned Customer service where your business is appreciated you have come to the right place.

If you buy dry ice, and you appreciate old fashioned Customer Service, then you might want to pick up the phone and dial 1300 COLDJET (1300 26 53 53), and enjoy the difference. We supply dry ice to our customers all around Australia. Our newest dry ice production facility is based in Moorebank NSW, conveniently located on the M5 corridor, and not far from the M7.