Contractor cleans and decontaminates over 1,000 vessels after an environmental disaster
Coldjet Admin2020-04-27T04:49:31+00:00COLD JET CASE STUDY Contractor cleans and decontaminates over 1,000 [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Contractor cleans and decontaminates over 1,000 [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Precision dry ice cleaning system allows [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Dry ice blasting helps contractor improve [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY City removed paint from a brick/concrete [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Contractor prepares ski lifts for painting [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Dry ice blasting removes pitted corrosion [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Dry ice blasting reduces cleaning time [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Mold removed from attic and crawl [...]
COLD JET CASE STUDY Contractor quickly and safely removes asphalt [...]